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Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters Endorses Ellis Raskin, Caroline Torosis, Natalya Zernitskaya, and Jesse Zwick for Santa Monica City Council

Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters Endorses Ellis Raskin, Caroline Torosis, Natalya Zernitskaya, and Jesse Zwick for Santa Monica City Council

LOS ANGELES (October 20, 2022)–  The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) – which has supported pro-environment local candidates throughout Los Angeles County for more than four decades – today announced its endorsement of Ellis Raskin, Caroline Torosis, Natalya Zernitskaya, and Jesse Zwick for Santa Monica City Council in the upcoming November 8th election.

With significant budget cuts to Santa Monica’s sustainability and mobility programs over the last few years, the incoming Council faces major challenges to maintaining progress on environmental initiatives and meeting the ambitious, yet critical goals of carbon neutrality,100% water self-sufficiency and the Sustainable City Plan.

“LALCV’s slate of endorsed candidates are best suited to keep the Council on track and find innovative ways to maintain progress on sustainability issues and secure additional resources in the future,” said Kirsten James, LALCV
Endorsement Committee Chair and Santa Monica resident.

Ellis Raskin
“As an environmental attorney by profession and a current Planning Commissioner, Ellis Raskin intimately understands the sustainability issues Santa Monica faces and the paths towards solutions,” said Kirsten James.

Among several environmental priorities, Ellis plans to help Santa Monica in preparing for the long-term effects of the climate crisis, closing the Santa Monica Airport and making streets safer for bicyclists and pedestrians.


Caroline Torosis
“Caroline Torosis would help Santa Monica regain its footing as an environmental leader by collaborating with cities and agencies throughout the region around approaches to our shared environmental challenges,” said Kirsten James.

Caroline plans to focus on reducing the over-reliance on private vehicles, expanding affordable housing and housing near transit, and expanding adequate bike and pedestrian infrastructure. https://www.torosisforsantamonica.com/

Natalya Zernitskaya

“The environment and environmental justice are cornerstones of Natalya Zernitskaya’s platform,” said Kirsten James. “In her public service, such as collaborations with Climate Action Santa Monica, she has long made the environment a priority.”

If elected, Natalya plans to support smart water use and conservation efforts, help reduce the City’s carbon footprint, and prioritize environmental justice, among several environmental priorities.


Jesse Zwick
“Jesse Zwick covered environmental issues as a journalist and now plans to turn those learnings into action on Santa Monica Council,” said Kirsten James. “Zwick plans to be an environmental champion if elected.”

Zwick’s stated environmental priorities would include supporting land use policies that promote more urban infill housing and helping the City meet its lofty climate goals. Other environmental issues of his top concern are air pollution issues from interstate 10 and the Santa Monica airport.
