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LALCV endorses Councilmember Paul Krekorian for Los Angeles City Council District 2

For Immediate Release:  9 December 2019

Media Contact: Yvette Lopez-Ledesma, yvette1007@gmail.com

Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters endorses Councilmember Paul Krekorian for

Los Angeles City Council District 2. 

(Los Angeles County) – The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) – which has supported pro-environment local candidates throughout Los Angeles County for more than three decades – announced its Pro-Forma endorsement for Councilmember Paul Krekorian for Los Angeles City Council District 2.

“The Honorable Paul Krekorian continues to show with his vote and actions year after year, that the environment and the health of his constituents is a top priority. He demonstrated that while serving in the State Legislature, and over the past nine years on City Council,” said LALCV Board Vice-President Shona Ganguly, lead in the organization’s Pro-forma endorsement process. “We are especially grateful when it comes to his work supporting local, safe, drinking water for constituents and for his fight for a 100% renewable pathway for the City.” 

The City of Los Angeles is a Mayor-Council-Commission form of government.  Fifteen City Council members represent fifteen districts and are elected by the people for four-year terms, for a maximum of three terms. If elected, this term will conclude the Councilmember’s time in office. 

As an individual who was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, I know how important it is for our constituents to have clean air and water. This is why I have fought to build healthy green spaces for our communities to play and thrive in, and am fighting to adopt a 100 percent clean energy mandate for the City of Los Angeles. If we can do it, every city in the US can do it,”said Candidate Paul Krekorian. 

More information on Paul Krekorian: https://www.paulkrekorian.org/ 

About the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters

Founded in 1976, the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) is dedicated to electing leadership throughout Los Angeles County to preserve, protect and enhance the environment. LALCV has helped elect more than 100 pro-environment officials throughout the county. LALCV endorsements are determined by its all-volunteer Board, which is composed of Los Angeles County residents committed to advancing environmental priorities. 

For more information on LALCV, please visit www.LALCV.org – and sign up for occasional email updates. And to get the latest LALCV news, please “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
