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Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters endorses David Vela for Los Angeles Community College District, Seat Three

For Immediate Release: September 16, 2020
Media Contact: Anais Medina Diaz | LAleagueofconservationvoters@gmail.com

LACCD-David VelaLOS ANGELES COUNTY (September 16, 2020) – The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) – supporting pro-environment candidates throughout Los Angeles County – announced its Pro-forma endorsement for Trustee David Vela representing Los Angeles Community College District, Seat Three.

“Trustee David Vela has shown himself as a strong voice for the environment, conservation, and environmental justice over the last few years as a Trustee. His commitment to the entirety of Los Angeles Community College District campuses to use 100% renewable energy by 2030 is strong and we believe with his continued leadership on the board, David will make this a reality,” said Stephanie Molen, LALCV campaign chair. “As LACCD Trustee, he will continue to prioritize creating career paths that offset climate change, and support students with the education and training to jump into the green economy.”

“As LACCD Trustee, I will continue to ensure that we are providing quality training for the good-paying green jobs that protect the environment and mitigate the effects of climate change. My colleagues and I recently implemented the Sustainability Vision 2040 Plan which creates a pathway to achieving a 100 percent carbon-free energy goal by 2040,” said the Honorable David Vela. “Through my work with the rest of the board, the District will adopt and implement a zero-waste strategy for all new construction and major renovation projects designed to increase the zero net energy performance by 2025. The plan will also improve academic programming that will train students for environmentally sustainable careers.”

For more information about David Vela, visit his campaign website at velaforlaccd.com or follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

About the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters

The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV), founded in 1976, is dedicated to electing environmental leaders in Los Angeles County to preserve, protect, and enhance the environment and constituents’ health and safety. LALCV endorsements are determined by its all-volunteer Board, which is composed of Los Angeles County residents committed to advancing environmental priorities. Over the decades, LALCV has helped elect hundreds of pro-environment officials throughout the county and support many vital measures.

For more information on LALCV, please visit www.LALCV.org – and sign up for occasional email updates. Get the latest LALCV news by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
