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LALCV endorses Graciela Ortiz and Eddie Martinez for Huntington Park City Council

For Immediate Release:  January 18, 2020

Media Contact: Yvette Lopez-Ledesma



Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters Endorses Graciela Ortiz and Eddie Martinez for

Huntington Park City Council

(Los Angeles, CA) – The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV), the only environmental political action committee in Los Angeles County, announced its endorsement of incumbent Councilmember Graciela Ortiz and first-time candidate Eddie Martinez for Huntington Park City Council.

 “We are excited to endorse two homegrown leaders in the March 3rd Huntington Park City Council election. Graciela Ortiz is a proven leader on the city council and Eddie Martinez is a natural community leader for equity and environment. Our board takes pride in supporting candidates such as Eddie and Graciela who are working to create awareness of environmental issues in a city as impacted by freeways, diesel emissions, and a lack of park space as Huntington Park” said Yvette Lopez-Ledesma, LALCV Board Member.

“The City Council needs to lead by example and take an active role in prioritizing environmental issues. It is imperative that all decisions that are made be made with a pro-environment agenda”, said Councilmember Ortiz. 

“I am honored to have received the endorsement from the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters. I am fully committed to working together with residents, businesses and city officials in making Huntington Park a cleaner and healthier city for our youth and families.  #TogetherWeCan ” said Eddie Martinez. 

To learn more about Graciela Ortiz  follow her at https://www.facebook.com/GracielaOrtizHP.

To learn more about Eddie Martinez and his campaign and volunteer opportunities follow him at www.facebook.com/EddieForHuntingtonPark2020.

 About the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters

Founded in 1976, the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) is dedicated to electing leadership throughout Los Angeles County to preserve, protect and enhance the environment. LALCV has helped elect more than 100 pro-environment officials throughout the county. LALCV endorsements are determined by its all-volunteer Board, which is composed of Los Angeles County residents committed to advancing environmental priorities. 

For more information on LALCV, please visit www.LALCV.org – and sign up for occasional email updates. And to get the latest LALCV news, please “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.