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LALCV Endorses Mark Burton and Wayne Powell for Manhattan Beach City Council

Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters Endorses Mark Burton and Wayne Powell for Manhattan Beach City Council


(Los Angeles County) – The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) – which has supported pro-environment local candidates throughout Los Angeles County for more than three decades – today announced its endorsement of Mark Burton and Wayne Powell for City Council seats in Manhattan Beach’s upcoming Council election.


“Mark Burton is a true environmental champion who is seeking to return to City Council to continue the work he did leading bold environmental actions that address the issues that face his city,” says Stephanie Molen, President of the LA League of Conservation Voters. “His goal to improve stormwater capture, and update the new General Plan to include climate change actions, will make Manhattan Beach healthier and more sustainable for all residents.”


“Wayne Powell is seeking to return to Council to continue his work on environmental issues that will make Manhattan Beach cleaner and healthier. Wayne has led efforts to put the plastic ban and smoking ban into place in Manhattan Beach. He is also committed to making sure the new General Plan includes a fully EV City fleet, and other sustainable measures. He will be ready on Day One to take on the challenges facing the city.”


About the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters

Founded in 1976, the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) is dedicated to electing leadership throughout Los Angeles County to preserve, protect and enhance the environment. LALCV has helped elect more than 100 pro-environment officials throughout the county. LALCV endorsements are determined by its all-volunteer Board, which is composed of Los Angeles County residents committed to advancing environmental priorities.  


For more information on LALCV, please visit www.LALCV.org – and sign up for occasional email updates. And to get the latest LALCV news, please “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


For more information about each of the campaigns, see the candidates’ websites, below:

Mark Burton: www.burtonforcouncil.org
Wayne Powell: www.WaynePowell4MB.com