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Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters endorses John Nolte for Pomona City Council, District 1


For Immediate Release: October 16, 2024

Media Contact: LAleagueofconservationvoters@gmail.com


LOS ANGELES COUNTY (October 16, 2024) – The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) – supporting pro-environment candidates throughout Los Angeles County –  announced its endorsement of John Nolte who is running for Pomona City Council, District 1.


The LALCV board of directors voted to endorse Pomona Council Member John Nolte in his bid for reelection for  his track record of championing environmental issues to help improve the overall well-being and quality of life of community members in his district. As a council member, he helped to secure a $22 million – Transformative Climate Communities – grant to install rooftop solar for low-income families, promote tree planting, and build two new climate resiliency centers. If re-elected for a second term, he wants to focus on affordable housing issues and find ways to encourage residents to be less dependent on their personal vehicles. 


“We’re excited to endorse John Nolte for reelection. His vision to build a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable Pomona is what we need more of across the county,” said Joshua Torres, LALCV Board Member and endorsement lead for Pomona. 


“I’m grateful for the endorsement from LALCV. I know they support my work for a regional economy that helps local businesses, creates good jobs, reduces energy costs, and improves the overall health and quality of life by going green,” said John Nolte. “Together, we’ll bring cities and other anchor institutions into collaboration with labor unions, high-road industry partners, and residents to harness local resources for local benefits. As we increase our self-sufficiency and resilience, we’ll brighten our future even as we prepare for the changes to come.”

For more information about John, please visit his campaign website at nolte4pomona.com,

or follow him on Facebook at facebook.com/nolte4pomona or on Instagram @nolte4pomona. 



The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV), founded in 1976, is dedicated to electing environmental leaders in Los Angeles County to preserve, protect, and enhance the environment, and the health and safety of our constituents. LALCV endorsements are determined by its all-volunteer Board, which is composed of Los Angeles County residents committed to advancing environmental priorities.  Over the decades, LALCV has helped elect hundreds of pro-environment officials throughout the county, and support many vital measures. 


For more information on LALCV, visit www.lalcv.org and sign up for occasional email updates. Follow @LALCV on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram.

