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Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters Endorses Greg Good for Los Angeles City Council

Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters Endorses Greg Good for Los Angeles City Council

LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CA  — The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) — which has supported pro-environment local candidates throughout Los Angeles County for more than four decades — is proud to announce its endorsement of Greg Good for LA City Council District 11.

Good already has a proven track record of tackling complicated projects and achieving successful outcomes. This includes his work on reimagining the commercial waste and recycling industry in Los Angeles, resulting in the recycLA program which has led to the replacement of hundreds of diesel waste and recycling trucks with clean vehicles, as well as other progress towards a zero waste future.

“Greg Good has shown that he not only understands the key environmental issues facing the City and District 11, but that he knows how to get things done,” said Gina Goodhill, Vice President for LALCV. “We are confident that he has the vision and experience to lead on key environmental issues and to bring together the necessary stakeholders to find solutions to complicated issues.”

Good’s background has also included chairing the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on the Hyperion Spill Incident; establishing the Office of Climate Emergency Mobilization while in his current role as President of the Board of Public Works; and helping to achieve several of the goals laid out in the City’s Sustainability Plan. Good has achieved these outcomes with a clear understanding of the intersection between environmental, environmental justice, economic, and equity issues.

“I am honored and excited to have the endorsement of the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters — an affirmation of my record and vision to make Los Angeles, and CD11 a global leader in environmental sustainability and the fight to stop climate change,” said Good. “The LALCV is an incredible organization — leading on issues ranging from water resilience to alternative energy, to landfill diversion — and I couldn’t be prouder to have them stand with me!”

For more information about Greg Good, please visit his campaign website at https://www.good4cd11.com/ or follow him on Facebook and Twitter


The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV), founded in 1976, is dedicated to electing environmental leaders in Los Angeles County to preserve, protect, and enhance the environment, and the health and safety of our constituents. LALCV endorsements are determined by its all-volunteer Board, which is composed of Los Angeles County residents committed to advancing environmental priorities.  Over the decades, LALCV has helped elect hundreds of pro-environment officials throughout the county, and support many vital measures. 

For more information on LALCV, visit www.LALCV.org and sign up for occasional email updates. Follow @LALCV on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
