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LALCV endorses Lorraine Avila Moore for Lynwood City Council

For Immediate Release: September 11, 2020
Media Contact: Anais Medina Diaz, LAleagueofconservationvoters@gmail.com

Los Angeles County – The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) – which has supported pro-environment local candidates throughout Los Angeles County for more than four decades – announced its endorsement of Lorraine Avila Moore for Lynwood City Council.

The City of Lynwood has long faced the negative consequences of lax planning and zoning decisions as well as the burden of the Alameda Corridor and two major freeways that carry significant amounts of traffic, mostly to the East LA Railyards. As a result of COVID-19, the City of Lynwood will face difficult budget decisions due to a loss of revenue that may result in cuts to community programs, parks, and recreation. In this difficult period, we believe that Lynwood native, Lorraine Avila Moore, is best equipped to advocate for Lynwood residents.

“We are excited to endorse Lorraine Avila Moore, because she is the type of environmental voice needed on the Lynwood City Council. As the mother of a firefighter who is on the front lines fighting the wildfires intensified by climate change, Lorraine understands that we need to do our part to improve our environment locally and invest in environmental initiatives. Lorraine believes we need to grow public transit, create more green spaces, provide subsidies for residents to obtain air purifiers, and increase the electric charging ports available in Lynwood,” said Juan Muñoz, LALCV Board Secretary and endorsement team lead for this race.

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the LALCV for their support and endorsement of my candidacy for Lynwood City Council. It is an honor to have their trust. I am looking forward to working with this great organization in helping to bring environmental initiatives to Lynwood and more importantly using the office to work with fellow Councilmembers and other community orgs to tackle the toxic air pollution within our city and the Southeast region,” said Lorraine Avila Moore.

For more information on Lorraine Avila Moore’s campaign please visit her campaign pages on Facebook & Instagram.