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Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters endorses Tim Sandoval for Mayor of Pomona

For Immediate Release: October 13, 2020
Media Contact: Anais Medina Diaz | LAleagueofconservationvoters@gmail.com

Tim Sandoval, Mayor of PomonaLOS ANGELES COUNTY (October 13, 2020)– The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) – supporting pro-environment candidates throughout Los Angeles County – announced its endorsement of Tim Sandoval for reelection as Mayor of Pomona.

“We are excited to continue our support of Mayor Sandoval. Tim Sandoval has a record of environmental progress that we are confident he will continue to advance in his next term as Mayor of Pomona. He will also carry on his work with the Transformative Climate Communities group to strengthen the areas of transit, energy, and green infrastructure to help Pomona adapt to and positively impact the realities of climate change,” said Michael Kadish, president of  LALCV. 

In his first term, Sandoval worked with the City Council as well as local and community organizations, including Clean and Green Pomona, where he was formerly Chairperson of the Board, to reduce energy costs and increase the City’s use of renewable power. He also eliminated over 20 miles of designated truck routes within the city, improving air quality and increasing pedestrian safety. 

For more information about Tim Sandoval please visit his campaign website at TimSandoval.com

The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV), founded in 1976, is dedicated to electing environmental leaders in Los Angeles County to preserve, protect, and enhance the environment, and the health and safety of our constituents. LALCV endorsements are determined by its all-volunteer Board, which is composed of Los Angeles County residents committed to advancing environmental priorities.  Over the decades, LALCV has helped elect hundreds of pro-environment officials throughout the county and support many vital measures. 

For more information on LALCV, visit www.LALCV.org and sign up for occasional email updates. Follow @LALCV on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

